'Gone' Series



Ceal Floyer

Recommended by Pavel Pyś, exhibitions and displays curator at the Henry Moore Institute. 

Ceal Floyer, Overhead Projection (2006) Incandescent light bulb and overhead projector



'...the whole show is predicated on a notion of absence-as-presence...'
J.J. Charlesworth

Projection comes to perform the function of the object represented in the projected image.
The gap between object and language.

Peel (2003) DVD projection


So simple but so effective.



Image derived from object.
Projecting photograph of essentially absent object. Sense of the body yet not visible.

Narrative of repeated projections?
What is fragmentation?
What is unity?

These photographs aestheticize. 'Digital' colours (whilst un-edited) distract from the purpose of the process. To fragment. To take the object further away from itself, subjected to human intervention. Object is flattened, yet still sculptural: 2D/3D: Object/Photograph/Sculpture/Drawing: fragment/whole.


The Veiling, Bill Viola


In Utreo, (1985) Leonore Tawney